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"Why & How" Seminar Series

Lectures are held on the first and third Thursdays of the month at 6PM, in the 2204 conference room of Building 149.

Organizers: Ellen Lau ( and Khaldoun Makhoul (
Mailing List:

Calendar 2010-11:

Date Time Location Speaker Topic References Lecture Slides
October 7, 2010 6pm CNY149-2204 Marco Loggia [1] Neuroanatomy for dummies N/A pdf
October 21, 2010 6pm CNY149-2204 Hari Bharadwaj [2] Statistics N/A pdf
November 4, 2010 6pm CNY149-2204 Donald McLaren [3] The GLM (General Linear Model)-- first and second-level models N/A pdf
November 18, 2010 6pm CNY149-2204 Adrian KC Lee [4] Matlab N/A pdf






December 2, 2010 6pm CNY149-2204 Khaldoun Makhoul [5] UNIX and basic C shell scripting N/A pdf
February 3, 2011 6pm CNY149-2204 Allison Stevens FreeSurfer N/A pdf
February 17, 2011 6pm CNY149-2204 Jean Chen Arterial Spin Labeling N/A pdf
March 3, 2011 6pm CNY149-2204 Aapo Nummenmaa MEG
March 8, 2011 6pm CNY149-2204 Prof. Randy Gollub [6] Seminar on Grant Writing ppt
March 17, 2011 6pm CNY149-2204 Sheraz Khan [7] PsychToolbox for Stimuli Presentation ppt

.m tutorial

April 7, 2011 6pm CNY149-2204 Dionyssios Mintzopoulos [8] Introduction to R
April 21, 2011 6pm CNY149-2204 Khaldoun Makhoul [9] MR Physics
May 5, 2011 6pm CNY149-2204 Ellen Lau [10] Practical Issues for Multimodal Neuroimaging
May 19, 2011 6pm CNY149-2204 Anastasia Yendiki [11] Introduction to DTI

Calendar 2009-10:

Date Time Location Speaker Topic References Lecture Slides
** Nov 10, 2009 ** 5pm CNY149-2204 Prof. Randy Gollub [12] Seminar on Grant Writing N/A PDF
Nov 19, 2009 6pm CNY149-2204 Adrian KC Lee [13] How to use MATLAB? (Advanced) PDF(m-files) PDF
Dec 3, 2009 6pm CNY149-2204 Hari Bharadwaj [14] Statistics (Beginners) N/A PDF
Dec 17, 2009 6pm CNY149-2204 Hari Bharadwaj [15] Statistics (Advanced) PDF PDF PDF
Jan 14, 2010 6pm CNY149-2204 Allison Stevens [16] Intro to FreeSurfer (Beginners) N/A PDF
Feb 4, 2010 6pm CNY149-2204 Nick Schmansky [17] How do you use Qdec for group analysis of morphometric data? N/A PDF
Feb 18, 2010 6pm CNY149-2204 Lilla Zollei [18] Basic C Shell scripting PDF BOOK PDF
March 4, 2010 6pm CNY149-2204 Marco Loggia [19] By the way, where is the fornix??? An introduction to gross neuroanatomy N/A PDF MOVIE
March 18, 2010 6pm CNY149-2204 Anastasia Yendiki [20] Introduction to DTI analysis N/A PDF
April 1, 2010 6pm CNY149-2204 Aapo Nummenmaa [21] Interpreting MEG data in terms of "distributed sources": under the cover of MNE N/A PDF
April 15, 2010 6pm CNY149-2204 Adrian KC Lee [22] How to navigate through the MEG-MNE workflow? N/A PDF
May 6, 2010 6pm CNY149-2204 -- -- N/A
May 20, 2010 6pm CNY149-2204 Kara Dyckman [23] Where do those pretty colored blobs come from? An introduction to the BOLD signal and fMRI designs. N/A PDF

Beginner's level: No prior knowledge assumed. First exposure or a refresher to the topic.

Advanced level: Prior knowledge assumed. Please check the relevant beginner's level Why.N.How section offered previously for assumed knowledge.

Calendar 2008-09:

Date Time Location Speaker Topic References Lecture Slides
Nov 6, 2008 6pm CNY149-2204 Adrian KC Lee [24] Why do we need to know about Linear Algebra? N/A PDF
Nov 20, 2008 6pm CNY149-2204 Emily Israeli (eisraeli@nmr) How do we use MATLAB? -- an introductory session. N/A PDF ZIP
Dec 4, 2008 6pm CNY149-2204 Lilla Zollei [25] Why do we have so many brain coordinate systems? N/A PDF
Dec 18, 2008 6pm CNY149-2204 Allison Stevens [26] How to use Freesurfer? N/A PDF
Jan 15, 2009 6pm CNY149-2204 Marco Loggia [27] By the way, where is the fornix? An introduction to gross neuroanatomy N/A PDF
Feb 5, 2009 6pm CNY149-2204 Lilla Zollei [28] Intro to basic statistics N/A PDF
Feb 19, 2009 6pm CNY149-2204 Katie Handwerger [29] SPSS tutorial N/A PDF
March 5, 2009 6pm CNY149-2204 Aapo Nummenmaa [30] Why is it called a current dipole? Cohen.PDF PDF1 PDF2
March 19, 2009 6pm CNY149-2204 Daniel Goldenholz [31] How do we analyze MEG data? N/A PDF
April 2, 2009 6pm CNY149-2204 Nick Schmansky [32] How do you use Qdec for group analysis of morphometric data? N/A PDF
April 30, 2009 6pm CNY149-2204 Rudolph Pienaar [33] What is the physics behind MRI? N/A PDF1 PDF2
May 7, 2009 6pm CNY149-2204 Adrian KC Lee [34] Why do we need Signal Processing N How do we conceptualize it? N/A PDF
May 21, 2009 6pm CNY149-2204 Ed Vul [35] Discussion on "Voodoo Correlations" N/A PDF

To facilitate discussion on Ed Vul's paper, we have made the following papers / links available:

Vul et al (2009), "Puzzlingly high correlations in fMRI studies of emotion, personality and social cognition," Perspectives on Psychological Science, 4(3):274-290. (formerly known as "Voodoo Correlations" paper)

Lieberman et al (in press), "Correlations in social neuroscience aren't voodoo: A reply to Vul et al," Perspectives on Psychological Science

Vul et al (2009), "Reply to Comments on 'Puzzlingly high correlations in fMRI studies of emotion, personality and social cognition", 4(3):319-324.

Vul and Kanwisher (in press), "Begging the Question: The Non-Independence Error in fMRI Data Analysis." in Hanson & Brunzl (eds.), Foundations and Philosophy for Neuroimaging.

Jabbi et al, "Response to 'Voodoo Correlations in Social Neuroscience' by Vul et al. - summary information for the press"

Slides from Bob Cox (NIMH) discussion on Voodoo Correlations

For more rebuttals on the Voodoo correlations paper, please visit Ed Vul's website.

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